This video was very informative. I would recommend it for any teacher who is looking for a new way to integrate technology into their classroom. Podcasts are very useful in the classroom and they should be a stable in any classroom. The benefits and different ways the podcast can be used are endless and that is what make podcasts so valuable.
One part of the video that really stuck out to me was the segment on the Social Studies teacher and how he implements podcasts in his classroom. By using podcasts as a way to illustrate a fact or tell a story makes the class much more interesting and helps to keep the students' attention. As a future Social Studies teacher, I would like to use podcasts much like the teacher in the video did to make my classroom a more interactive and entertaining learning environment.
I agree completely with how the social studies teacher used the pod cast in class. Hearing and seeing a story is so much better than reading it. I hope I can be that creative when I become a teacher!